Friday, February 17, 2017


In this assignment
we will  examine how words are both persistant and misleading.
First, go to VINLAND and spend an imaginary summer .as a Captain on a boat full of Norse rowers.
NOTE: That a grassland (Wynland) was recorded in the English MYTH as a place where berries, which are used to make wine, grow.
Then find your way to the LENAPE HISTORY INDEX:
Search for
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Find the meaning of MISSISSIPPI and MISSOURi
“Mis” evolved from Old Norse “Mestr,” which means “Mighty.” “sippi” evolved from Old Norse “Sipi.” which means “flowing water.”  “Sip” and” Seeping” came from the same source.
So “Mississippi” means mighty flowing water.”
During the time the cousins "discreetly left to separate through out the land," their first objective may have been to get to the Mississippi.

The rowboat routes going south from Lake Winnipeg.
The way to the "Island in the Ocean" was to row out of the Christian Sea, then through Lake Winnipeg.   At the south end of Lake Winnipeg, travelers could go three ways.
One way was to the east into the Great Lakes.  The "Island in the Ocean was up the Red River to the Rice Rivers.  The third route was to go west, then south to get to the Missouri.
All three routes involved paddling and portage through "Wynland."
. The major highways south of Lake Winnipeg appear to be built along the old canoe routes that were in existence before the Little Ice Age.
.The English VINLAND may be a misleading paradigm created to make the Norse Sagas appear to be bogus.  
.  Many explorers and writers spent lifetimes looking for "wine grapes." 
They did not find (and haven't found) any place in North America that could be a place with wine grapes.
. But the Norse used "wyn" to descsribe a fine, smooth place like a grass land.
. Surely the
English knew meanings of Norse words.
Did the English deliberately mistranslate Norse meanings and substitute southern European meanings
for the "wyn" syllable to make the Vinland Sagas appear bogus and to lead people away from the grasslands of America?
ANSWERS to the

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