Thursday, May 12, 2016

Week 2, Artifact, BOURNE STONE

And the earth was
without form 
and void.
and darkness 
was upon
the face of the deep;
and the
spirit of God moved 
 on the waters.
Maalan Arrum, Stanza 2

          LENAPE LAND

         Tap on
Find the phrase"Hanno takes possession."
Then return and Tap on BOURNE STONE.
Can you find the words "Hanno takes possession?"
The BOURNE STONE HISTORY SOCIETY is suppressing history by omission.
.Barry Fell, who had international expertise, was the authority best qualified to make the translation of the Hanno Stone.
.The BOURNE HISTORICAL SOCIETY is continuijg the MYTH of the 17th century English.
The English wanted the world to believe that NO ONE from the east side of the Atlantic came to America before Columbus.
The English wanted the people of world to think that if NO ONE from the East side of the Atlantic came to America, then the Americans had to be pagans.
The Doctrine of Discovery encouraged discovers of pagan lands to kill or enslave the pagans.

The English did that.  Only they killed or enslaved Catholics, who spoke Norse.  Then, when morality changed in England, they suppressed knowledge of their nasty deeds by omitting the knowledge from publication.
The 17th century English in America knew most Americans were Catholics, who spoke Norse.  But they suppressed that knowledge by omitting it from publication.

As far as the world knew, King Phillips war was a battle angainst pagans, rather than a vicious religious Protestand/Catholicwar that had only two recorded acts of decency.
By omitting the words "Barry Fell" and, "Hanno takes possession," The BOURNE HISTORICAL SOCIETY is STILL suppressing history."

Did your teachers teach you about the BOURNE STONE and the possibility that the marks on the stone may say "Hanno takes possession?"

What you are witnessing, TODAY,
 is the ability of the English NEW WORLD mental model, which is a MYTH, to SUPPRESS something CARVED in STONE.

If your kids or grandkids are not taught all the known facts about the BOURNE STONE, then the true reality of North America has been suppressed by omission.

The 17th century English Protestants wanted the mental model of North America to be that "No one crossed the Atlantic from east to west before "Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492."

Because the English "NEW WORLD" MYTH has prevailed, knowledge of LENAPE ancestors was SUPPRESSED because the knowledge of Catholics, who spoke Norse is NOT carved in stone.

When knowledge 
is NOT carved in stone it is easily omittted from the records, then that knowledge is lost to the following generations.

Educators have been teaching the NEW WORLD MYTH for five centuries.  Nearly ALL educators do not know that knowledge was omitted in the 17th century.

The stones in North America have lain around for much longer then that.  But today you can see that the English Protestant NEW WORD MYTH is more powerful than something carved in stone.

LENAPE ancestors were Catholics, who spoke Norse, but they were NOT carved in stone.


This is a course on LENAPE History.
LENAPE were Catholics, who spoke Norse; in eastern North America from about AD 1,000 to today.  
At the time of the invasion, the English attempted to terminate the  Catholics and to eliminate all knowledge of ALL previous people who came America.

Even the Wikipedia author assumes that because the marks are not "runic" that they did not come from the east side of the Atlantic long before the LENAPE.
T.he LENAPE used the "HA" syllable, but rarely.

Some times the "HA" syllable is in an adjective word referring to trade.  Think of "Hackensack," New Jersey.

But in the ancient records, there are references to other voyages to America.

A few of them refer to relatives of Hannibal. These relatives lived in the western Mediterranean. 

These voyages may have occurred nearly 1,000 years before the Norse rowed boats to America.


The "HA" syllable was used often in the names of the relatives of Hannibal.

DISCUSSION  Do you think the stone that Mr. FLether found was carved by:

1) Hannibal's relatives,

2) LENAPE, or 

3) "the stone probably started as .ative American meetinghouse around 1680,"

will be posted
on FRIDAY in the
American History Organisation

to join the discussion.
On January 16, 2018, this post was had been viewed 148 times.

1 comment:

  1. Can you find it? Yes.
    Where is it? Bourne, Massachusetts. .

    Discussion: I believe that it most has been Hannibal’s relatives there have made the carvings.
    Norse rune expert Michael Barnes stated the markings were definitely not runic and Barry Fell claimed that the marking is in an Iberian script and cut be translated to “A proclamation of annexation. By this Hanno takes possession”
    The other way Larry J. Zimmerman and Patricia Emerson Minnesota archaeologist suggested that the markings looked like Native American petroglyph's, so it cut be LENAPE I would suggest that other experts were looking at the stone.
    That it is dated to round 1680 is not serious.
