Friday, February 27, 2015

ANSWERS about Catholics, who spoke Norse, IN AMERICA

Don [Greene, Chief of Appalachian Shawnee Tribe] responded to Eric's questions about the Norse and sent a copy to me, Myron.

Myron wrote:

Don and I have discussed many aspects of the Lenape history. 
So, it is no surprise, to me, that I can accept his answers, with the exception of the DNA.  I think we have more DNA evidence, better understood, that he may not know.  
One key element of DNA reporting was revealed to me early in my research, when  a historian told me, "If the DNA has  northern european indicators, we throw it out.  It was contaminated by somebody."
You can read the about effects of throwing out data in []
Note: The net effect of Social Science teachings and physical evidence may be an understanding that the mounds in America were made 2,000 years earlier than the Social Science teachers teach.  That time period would put the mounds into the Copper Hauling episodes.
But Social Scientists have also been able to ignore the 10,000 copper mining pits around Lake Superior.  So the Copper Hauling routes are nothing for them to teach.
Our Social Science departments do not understand how to do science.  They believe they are teaching the only valid history of Early America.  They believe, without evidence, that marks meaning "1362," which are punched into stone, were put there by a modern man wanting to create a hoax.
So the history, which was written by 17th century liars with printing presses, trumps evidence punched into stone.  The Social Scientist's poor understanding of scientific procrss enables them to throw out evidence that does not verify the history they teach.
There are 32 pages of Norse artifacts that should be in an appendix of some scientific journal.  Have you read about any of 372 artifacts in any Social Science textbook or reference?
BTW:  Don is the man who alerted me to the "secret voyage to destroy churches" in 1612, which guided me to the Catholic History of the WASP rampages into French Canada to destroy churches and kill Catholics (c1700-1720.)
There is not, yet, enough evidence to claim that the English planned the "French and Indian" war to eliminate the Catholics in North America.  The Engliah plan had three prongs.   Only the removal of the Micmac from Arcadia was successful. [Mi'kmaq means "much black" in Old Norse.  Mi'kmaq people were usually shown in drawings wearing black clothes.] 
The Arcadian may have been Norse Catholics.  When they were dumped into France, the French discovered they were not French.  So the French dumped them back on North America in Spanish Catholic territory.  At least the Cajuns could talk to the local Lenape.  
Social Scientists tell the story as the 17th century WASP wrote it.
Bezon honored brother,
I will address some of Eric’s questions in the body of the message below in RED
Niawe chine paselo

               Don Spirit Wolf

On Feb 20, 2015, at 7:42 AM, Eric Hinrichs wrote:
... the main issues I feel that the group should address, including:
1.  How much did the Vatican know about Norse maps and journals covering the New World?  Why has this information been suppressed?
They knew a lot and had possession of a lot of maps and writings regarding this hemisphere.
2.  Did, Columbus, spend nine months in Iceland prior to leaving for the New World?
Evidence surely indicates that he did.
3.  What specific Native American groups were impacted linguistically and culturally by the Norse?
By and large they were what are called the Algonquian-speaking tribes that we call our Kikilemanaki.
3.  What has DNA research revealed about the travel routes of Native Americans and Norse settlers? 
I am afraid that he blinders of prejudice are still on in this regard.
4.  Were the Narragansett "Christian" Indians evangelized by Norse Catholics or later Monrovian priests?
My belief is that our Kikilemanaki were living the true Christian Ideal long before anyone came here from Europe. [Kikilemanaki means Land of better people.]
5.  Is there any evidence, besides the Vatican chronicles, that the Norse priest, Erik Gnuppson, made it as far as Mexico to the Mayans? 
Carvings and artwork indicate that some sort of Europeans had been in Mesoamerica long before the Spanish arrived there.
6.  Were the Mandan Indians deliberately exterminated by the policies of Secretary of State Stewart?
The were certainly wiped out by disease but whether it was the result of a specific plan is, for now, conjecture.
7. Are the burial mounds and palisades at Cahokia in any way culturally related to similar practices of the Norse and Mandan Indians?
The entire cultural aspect of Cahokia is only a part of a society that spanned from Georgia to Canada and from New England to Oklahoma plus has been found on the west coast of Sweden and possibly elsewhere in western Europe, which would include the Mandan obviously as well as our Kikilemanaki to one extent or the other.
8. Can any American Indian group identify the specific names of North American Indians mentioned in the Greenland Saga?
This should be able to be done but does require a great deal of cross-referencing, like who was where at what time and those sort of questions. Just because a certain group was in the eastern Great Lakes in the 1600’s or 1700’s does  not mean they were there in the 1300’s or even before.
9. How many Lenape emigrated from Greenland and how many of their descendents assimilated with Native Americans (Ann Stine said 40,000)?
If 4,000 walked the ice and had been preceded by some number ( I suspect it was a lot less than that 4,000) then we are looking at something akin to 10,000 or less spreading out into a rather large area with literally dozens of social groups, be they tribes, bands, villages or simply family clans.

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