a.k.a. the Sea Peoples Language, Minoan, Phoenician, Basque, Celt, Red Paint People Language, Algonquin,
Old Norse, Viking, and Maya.
from Hudson Bay to the Panama Isthmus,
when the Europeans invaded.
Linguistic stocks of America as shown at the start of the 20th century.
Note that Algonquin (light tan) was spoken from the Atlantic coast to the Rocky Mountains and from Hudson Bay down the Mississippi to the Muskogean language (darker tan).
"Macro-Algonquian languages, ... major group (phylum or superstock) of North American Indian languages; it is composed of nine families and a total of 24 languages or dialect groups. The language families included in Macro-Algonquian are Algonquian, with 13 languages; Yurok, with 1 language; Wiyot, with 1 language; Muskogean, with 4 languages; and Natchez, Atakapa, Chitimacha, Tunica, and Tonkawa, with 1 language apiece of the same name. The Macro-Algonquian languages were spoken prior to European settlement in eastern North America from Labrador and eastern Quebec down the Atlantic seacoast to North Carolina; around the Great Lakes west into Saskatchewan, Alberta, Montana, Wyoming, and Colorado; in the southeastern United States from eastern Texas to Florida and Georgia and north into Tennessee; and in an isolated area in northern California (Wiyot and Yurok).
"Major languages in the phylum are the Cree and Innu (Montagnais and Naskapi) dialects of eastern Canada; the Ojibwa, Algonquin, Ottawa, and Salteaux dialects of southern Ontario; the Mi’kmaq (Micmac) language of eastern Canada; and the Blackfoot language of Montana and Alberta. These are all Algonquian languages. The Choctaw–Chickasaw dialects are spoken in Mississippi; and the Muskogee, or Creek, and Seminole dialects are spoken in Oklahoma, Alabama, and Florida. These languages belong to the Muskogean family."
During the 20th Century the Linguists concluded the Muskogean Language was Algonquin.
In the AD 1946 preface of the
Rieder T. Sherwin wrote,
In 1949 Reider T, Sherwin wrote that he was "in a position to prove conclusively that the Algonquin Indian Language is Old Norse..." and "The Truth cannot be successfully attacked."
In June 2007 Richard J. Thornton published Ancient Roots III, The indigenous people and Architecture of the Okmulgee-Altamaha River Basin.
Ancient Roots III details many items of evidence, including words, that show a connection between the Okmulgee-Altamaha River and Maya country in central America.
Much evidence, including words, connect the Okmulgee-Altamaha River Basin to Maya country in central America.
the Americans spoke the
SHORE (Old Norse) language,
from Hudson Bay to the Panama Isthmus,
when the Europeans invaded.
Can you please provide more details to prove your case that the earlyminhabitants of America spoke Old Norse? Also, where does the name “Shore”(for this language) come from?
ReplyDeleteSure. Search for and tap on
There you will find links to 37 more stanzas. All 38 stanzas are self-validating if the sounds are Old Norse.
Also you will see a link to the LENAPE HISTORY COURSE. This is an 18 week course. Every week we give another example of Norse words used in America.
The LENAPE LEARNING index is another set of links showing you the the Rune Stones were Old Norse and other evidence, like the churches before
Start at LENAPE LAND. Look at the links.
Long, long, long, long, ago the major vehicle were row (or paddle) boats. Transportation was along the shore. The shore language existed from Eygpt to Oakney Island to North America and through the Mississippi basin. Most people serving the rowboats spoke the shore language. Long, long ago the civilizations, who depended on crops and livestock, pushed the people using shore language into the sea. Old Norse in Iceland is probably the best example of the shore language.
I hope you continue to follow us. Become a member of the Facebook group. AMERICAN HISTORY OGANIZATION.
I really am wondering ...