Monday, November 25, 2019

There are TWO histories of America:

Myron Paine <>
Nov 23, 2019, 2:51 PM
to Frode, Tom
Frode, When we were writing the Frozen Trail to Merica, we did not even think that there had been three and a half centuries of Norse people in North America.
TOM, when we researched the Kensington Rune Stone, we did not even think that 4,000 Norse people had been migrating from Greenland to New York via the Dakotas.
I think it is time to stop researching.  It is time to encourage the professors to TEACH the LENAPE (a.k.a. Norse) history.
Use your contact list to encourage that to happen.
There are TWO histories of America:
The LENAPE HISTORY, 1000 - 1585
The NEW WORLD  1585 to Present.

When the English invaded, most Americans were. Catholics, who spoke Norse.
The 17th century English suppressed history by omitting most evidence.
The18th century American School system taught the NEW WORLD MYTH.
Most history curriculums teach the NEW WORLD MYTH.
Students learn the profoundly distorted MYTH.
They do NOT learn that most Americans were Catholics.
They do NOT learn that most Americans spoke Norse.
Have a good one,

PS: You guys are the first recipients.  I would like suggestions to improve the message.


Reply from Frode Omdahl
Nov 23, 2019, 3:35 PM (2 days ago)
Myron, in academia it is not enough to wish and believe that things happened so and so. The professors demand hard proof As a PhD-fellow, you KNOW this.
Have a good one.

Reply from Myron Paine <>
Nov 24, 2019, 4:33 PM (16 hours ago)
to Frode

Yes, I know that there should be hard proof.

Yes I taught Ph D students.  I know hard proof is required.  I demanded hard proof.  I also demanded hard proof of Craig and I.

That is why:
the first Semester of the LENAPE HISTORY of 18 assignments (One EPISODE per WEEK) is now on the seventh proof test. 

[More Hard proof gets added each time.  This time the COME AGAIN Michigan plate and the HURON STONE have appeared.]

That is why there are LINKS to more than 18 artifacts throughout the 18 EPISODES.   Those artifacts are hard proof.

The Stanzas for the eighteen EPISODES are preserved as the WALAM OLUM in the Sacred Sites web site.  [The stanzas have been there for twenty years.  They include Genesis.  I can use any Bible to translate the first 40 stanzas.  How much more proof do you demand?]

Craig Judge and I (two men on two coasts) deciphered those stanzas using the VIKING and the RED MAN algonquins-Old Norse comparisons.

The VIKING and the RED MAN comparisons are online.  That is solid proof.

Craig and I learned that the Stanzas are self-verifying.  We searched the VIKING and the RED MAN until the Old Norse sounds were at least 90% of the expected self-verification.  That was hard to do, but it provided proof that we had the right words—and meaning.

There are 18 assignments to look up Old Norse words like Mississippi and Missouri.  Those are written on all maps of North America.  How much more proof must you demand?

The HARD PROOF tells me that Professors in the Social Science Academia believe what they teach.  They are NOT Scientists! They teach what they were taught.  

They do NOT consider the possibility that the English did not teach the first teachers the truth.  

The English suppressed history by omitting it. What they teach does NOT explain the evidence. [Why should a river through North America have a NORSE name?]

I am insulted that you think my investigation was  to “wish and believe that things happened so and so.”

What happened to the Frode, who kept me in line as we wrote the Frozen Trail to Merica?

I need you to guide the effort to convince Social Science people to demand the hard proof.

I regret that your reply was NOT a good one.

I apologize that my reply will NOT be one, either.
Postscript:(Nov 27 2019)
North America has TWO histories:
the Lenape history with episodes from AD 1,000 to 1585 and the English history of the New World, which is a continuous history from AD 1585 to the present.

Professors teach the English history of the New World. We, all, carry  the English history in our heads as a mental model of colonial North America.

Rune stones, artifacts, and “native” words are mysteries to our mental model.  One by one professors labeled those items “not valid” because  the New World mental model does not explain them. The Lenape history does, but we have not been taught the Lenape history. So we cannot make mental connections to the hard evidence we have found.

Professors should teach both histories: The Lenape history and the English history of the  New World.

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