Monday, July 16, 2018


_____Part B_____
The LANDVERK Cyrptograms
Landverk stated that Cryptograms were found from ancient churches in Norway, in Iceland, in Greenland, in Labrador, in New England, and in the Mississippi Valley.
Those regions are located along the rowboat route to America.  The boat crews rowed from east to west.
.One thousand years ago, the Mississippi River Basin was a better place to raise kids than the rocky farm land below the snowy peaks of Norway or Greenland.
Landverk may have been seeing the same patterns I was seeing in the LENAPE history words.
Karl Hoenke was going to Iceland.  I said to Karl, "Look there is a pattern here in these stanzas.  These are not poems, but it looks like some kind of pattern.

"You are taking a trip to Iceland.  Ask Valdimar (Samuelson) when you visit him in Iceland, if there is any knowledge of the pattern in Iceland."

Weeks later Valdimar sent the Drottkvaett (Eight Lines) format.  The format has many precise rules but the basic pattern is that there must be an alliteration and a rhyme in every six syllables.
A few weeks later, I sat in the pew at church.  I was pondering why the Drottkvaett format wants an alliteration and a rhyme in every six syllables.  Somebody has to think long and hard to make that happen.
The preacher, Rev. Bill Nebo, was trying to make the Pentecost story more interesting.  He compared the "tongues of flame" to the electric packets of information flying through the air.  He explained that those electronic packets are coded with "bits" so our computers know which ones are valid.
I did not shout "EUREKA." But I skipped the Sunday afternoon nap.  I had deciphered the first stanza of the Maalan Aarum into Old Norse syllables about three years previously.
I really wanted to know, as soon as possible, were those syllables in a Drottkvaett format?
Well about 80% of them were.  The missing syllables indicated where my deciphering was not correct.
. .
Sound packets with the Drottkvaett format (Cryptogams?) are self-verifying stanzas.  Those sounds with alliterations and rhymes is the right places make the stanza valid.
I was "hearing: the syllables that a Norse historian  spoke thousands of miles away and 7 centuries before.
Unlike the nasty English, who wanted to profoundly distort history, the Norse Historian's intent had been to inform-- using a memory stanza--not omit knowledge.
From 1940 to 1956 Reider T. Sherwin made LENAPE/OLD NORSE definitions and wrote what they meant in English.
We can decipher the sounds of the LENAPE history. ONLY if we use LENAPE sounds.  The stanzas of the LENAPE history are self-validating.

Do the professional linguists know this?

Do their paymasters want to keep kids from knowing the Norse Catholics rowed though out North America seven centuries before the English Protestants invaded?

Is that why "Norse" is suppressed in the textbooks, videos get suppressed,  and competent archaeologists, who learn too much, get driven out of the profession

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